Global Gandhi is a platform that allows Gandhian institutions, experts and activists to network


A global network of Gandhian institutions promoting peace, nonviolence, and social justice through various initiatives.


A directory of Gandhian experts all over the world, featuring scholars, professors, researchers, and authors.


A list of Gandhian activists experimenting with his teachings in real-world contexts globally.

About Global Gandhi

Global Gandhi is a non-organizational platform created by the Gandhians and for the Gandhians. Its purpose is to connect thousands of individuals and institutions worldwide committed to advancing Mahatma Gandhi’s principles of Satya (truth), Ahimsa (non-violence), Nyay (justice), and Shanti (peace). This community-run platform enables sharing, collaboration, and partnerships among like-minded advocates, fostering a global network dedicated to promoting these core values and enriching the collective pursuit of justice and peace.


Connect with institutions, experts and other Gandhians, subscribe to their YouTube channels, social media and websites.


Share your thoughts, ideas, events, seminars, and videos to connect with Gandhians worldwide.


Partner with institutions, experts and enthusiasts and meet the right people who will contribute to your ideas and projects.

Fact Check

Claim by viral post:

Gandhi was given a monthly personal allowance of Rs. 100 by the British government.

Fact-check rating:

False — The Rs. 100 was allocated to the prison department for Gandhi’s upkeep as a state prisoner, not directly to him.
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Claim by viral post:

There were seven failed attempts on Mahatma Gandhi's life before he was finally assassinated.

Fact-check rating:

True — There were several documented attempts on Gandhi's life, including some involving Hindu extremists and those opposed to his reforms.
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Gandhi Gallery

A selection of images and videos depicting the life and legacy of Mahatma Gandhi.

Gandhi Gallery

A selection of images and videos depicting the life and legacy of Mahatma Gandhi.

  • Gandhi on Youtube

Gandhi's teachings continue to inspire young people worldwide. Discover how the younger
generation is interpreting and acting upon his principles to solve modern challenges.

Famous Quotes

If you want to see the world change, start with yourself

It’s about taking personal responsibility for the changes you want to see around you.

You’ll discover your true self when you dedicate yourself to helping others

Gandhi believed that serving others is the key to finding purpose and fulfillment.

If we keep seeking revenge, everyone will end up suffering

This highlights that responding to violence with violence only leads to more harm


गांधी की एक विरासत को उजाड़ने की कहानी

सर्व सेवा संघ गांधी की एक विरासत को उजाड़ने की कहानी भाग-२ जमीन पर कब्जे की योजना सर्व सेवा संघ परिसर पर कब्जा करने का ताना-बाना कई सालों से बुना जा रहा

October 11, 2024

गांधी की एक विरासत को उजाड़ने की कहानी

सर्व सेवा संघ गांधी की एक विरासत को उजाड़ने की कहानी भाग-१ बापू की हत्या के बाद 1948 में विनोबा ने सर्व सेवा संघ का गठन किया था. गांधी विचार

October 11, 2024

गांधी के एकादश व्रत और पातंजलि योगसूत्र

  पातंजलि योग सूत्र,योग दर्शन का मूल ग्रंथ है। षड् आस्तिक दर्शनों में योग दर्शन का मूल स्थान है। कालांतर में योग की नाना भाषाएं विकसित हुईं, जिन्होंने व्यापक रूप

October 7, 2024

परमहंस योगानंद द्वारा बापू को क्रियायोग दीक्षा

परमहंस योगानंद और महात्मा गांधी के बीच अकसर इस बात पर चर्चा होती थी कि सत्य और अहिंसा जैसे आध्यात्मिक आदर्शों को लोगों के व्यावहारिक जीवन में कैसे उतारा जाए।

October 4, 2024


A.ANNAMALAIDirectorNational Gandhi MuseumRajghat, New Delhi 110 INTRODUCTION: At the beginning of the 1990s, India, like many other countries, underwent a profound policy shift. This transition, commonly called the LPG

October 3, 2024