Significant individuals who influenced Mahatma Gandhi’s life and philosophy:

·  Leo Tolstoy: The Russian author’s writings on nonviolence and moral philosophy greatly influenced Gandhi, particularly his book The Kingdom of God Is Within You. Wikipedia – Leo Tolstoy | Read The Kingdom of God Is Within You

·  Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau’s essay Civil Disobedience inspired Gandhi’s principles of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience. Wikipedia – Henry David Thoreau | Read Civil Disobedience

·  John Ruskin: The English writer’s work Unto This Last had a profound impact on Gandhi’s views on economics and social justice. Wikipedia – John Ruskin | Read Unto This Last

·  Ramakrishna Paramahamsa: The Indian mystic’s teachings on the unity of all religions influenced Gandhi’s views on religious tolerance and spirituality. Wikipedia – Ramakrishna | Ramakrishna Mission

·  Swami Vivekananda: His teachings on Hinduism and spirituality were instrumental in shaping Gandhi’s understanding of religion and self-realization. Wikipedia – Swami Vivekananda | Ramakrishna Mission

·  Gopal Krishna Gokhale: A mentor to Gandhi, Gokhale’s political and social ideas, including his advocacy for social reforms and Indian self-rule, greatly influenced Gandhi. Wikipedia – Gopal Krishna Gokhale | Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics

·  Sardar Patel: Although a colleague rather than a direct influence, Patel’s leadership and collaboration with Gandhi were pivotal in the Indian independence movement. Wikipedia – Sardar Patel | Sardar Patel National Memorial

·  Jawaharlal Nehru: Gandhi’s close associate and the first Prime Minister of India, Nehru’s ideas and political strategies were influential in shaping the course of the independence movement. Wikipedia – Jawaharlal Nehru | Nehru Memorial Museum & Library

·  Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi: His moral and ethical values, as well as his commitment to truth and nonviolence, were foundational in shaping Gandhi’s own principles. Wikipedia – Mahatma Gandhi

·  Kasturba Gandhi: Gandhi’s wife and lifelong partner, Kasturba’s support and shared commitment to social causes played a significant role in Gandhi’s personal and political life. Wikipedia – Kasturba Gandhi

·  C.F. Andrews: A British missionary and close friend of Gandhi, Andrews’ support for Gandhi’s campaigns and his understanding of Indian issues influenced Gandhi’s approach. Wikipedia – C.F. Andrews

·  Rabindranath Tagore: The Nobel laureate’s ideas on nationalism and his emphasis on cultural and spiritual development were influential to Gandhi’s thinking. Wikipedia – Rabindranath Tagore | Tagore’s Works

·  B.R. Ambedkar: Though often in disagreement with Gandhi, Ambedkar’s advocacy for social justice and the rights of the Dalits challenged and influenced Gandhi’s views on caste and social reform. Wikipedia – B.R. Ambedkar | Ambedkar Foundation

·  Sri Aurobindo: His ideas on spiritual and political independence and the need for a national awakening resonated with Gandhi and influenced his political strategies. Wikipedia – Sri Aurobindo | Sri Aurobindo Ashram

·  J.L. Nehru: An early supporter of Gandhi, Nehru’s commitment to the Indian independence movement and his writings were influential in Gandhi’s political thinking. Wikipedia – J.L. Nehru

·  Annie Besant: Her work with the Theosophical Society and support for Indian self-rule impacted Gandhi’s views on Indian nationalism and reform. Wikipedia – Annie Besant | The Theosophical Society

·  Sister Nivedita: A disciple of Swami Vivekananda, her work on Indian social and cultural issues and her advocacy for women’s rights influenced Gandhi’s thoughts on social reform. Wikipedia – Sister Nivedita

·  Hermann Kallenbach: A close friend and supporter of Gandhi, Kallenbach’s commitment to Gandhi’s principles and his financial support were instrumental in Gandhi’s activities in South Africa. Wikipedia – Hermann Kallenbach

·  Mahadev Desai: Gandhi’s personal secretary and a close associate, Desai’s support and administrative skills were crucial in organizing Gandhi’s campaigns and documenting his work. Wikipedia – Mahadev Desai

These individuals, through their ideas, actions, and support, played significant roles in shaping Gandhi’s philosophy, strategies, and approach to social and political change.