Most important attributes of Mahatma Gandhi that defined his character and leadership:

  1. Nonviolence (Ahimsa): Gandhi’s unwavering commitment to nonviolence as a principle for personal behavior and social change.
  2. Truthfulness (Satyagraha): His dedication to truth and moral courage, and his belief in the power of truth to bring about justice.
  3. Simplicity: Gandhi lived a life of simplicity, avoiding material excess and focusing on spiritual and ethical growth.
  4. Self-Discipline: His ability to control his desires and maintain strict personal discipline, including his commitment to fasting and celibacy.
  5. Empathy: A deep sense of empathy and understanding for the suffering of others, which motivated his work for social justice and equality.
  6. Integrity: Consistency between his words and actions, maintaining honesty and ethical standards in all aspects of his life.
  7. Courage: The bravery to stand up for his principles and to face adversity, including personal and physical hardships, without compromising his values.
  8. Resilience: His capacity to endure and persist through challenges and setbacks, demonstrating unwavering commitment to his causes.
  9. Visionary Leadership: The ability to inspire and mobilize people with a clear vision for social and political change.
  10. Humility: His modesty and avoidance of ego, recognizing his own fallibility and focusing on serving others rather than seeking personal glory.
  11. Compassion: Genuine concern for the well-being of others, including marginalized and oppressed communities.
  12. Patience: The ability to wait for and work towards long-term goals, understanding that significant change often takes time.
  13. Self-Reliance: Promoting self-sufficiency and independence, both personally and within the broader context of national and economic development.
  14. Perseverance: The determination to continue pursuing his goals despite difficulties and opposition.
  15. Forgiveness: His capacity to forgive those who wronged him, believing that forgiveness was a strength and a path to personal and social harmony.
  16. Charisma: The ability to inspire and motivate others through his personal example and moral authority.
  17. Dedication: A deep commitment to his principles and causes, demonstrated through his relentless work for social and political reform.
  18. Intellectual Curiosity: A continuous quest for knowledge and understanding, including studying various philosophies and religions to inform his own beliefs.
  19. Inclusiveness: Efforts to build bridges between different communities, including efforts to reconcile religious and social divides.
  20. Sacrifice: Willingness to make personal sacrifices, including enduring physical suffering and dedicating his life to the service of others.

These attributes combined to make Gandhi a profound leader and influential figure in both Indian and global history.